Thursday, March 3, 2011

Voice and Lied

1- Someone was told me that i have a beautiful voice. Thank God for giving me that voice. But deeper in me, i still not satisfied with my voice when someone told me that i was lacking my men voice. my friend of mine who knows about music, said that i have a tenor voice.accepted if im lacking male voice because basically male voice is used as bass in choir.

2- Talk about voice, this the season for people easily get sore change instantly added by taking iced drinking plus oily based food can contribute to this illness.i have take too many shandong baked nuts the reasons how i got sore throats. there are many ways to cured this such as take a tamarind juice added crystal sugar.we also can take a spoon of honey in the morning.honey can give relief to our throats and make it smooth.but i just take the easiest ways to overcome this. i just chewed the strepsils plus another mint based sweet continuously.perhaps if it still not recovered i need back to the basic,used traditional ways.

3- Is it a sin to lied for sake of happiness another person? it just like phrase means justify the end. i always think, is it our means or attention will allow us to do something that against law. but this is a real happen in this country even in this world nowadays. some dictator leader would use this tactic or technique to make sure their legacy from father to sons and if possible to their grand children.

4- Application of this tactics may be vary according to the situation. in a relationships, most of man are lying when he keep listen to their girl talking.the man will keep smiling and agree with all the girl because when a man love a girl he would do anything to make she it sin for man?

5- Back to the main point here, is it sin to lied for others happiness?it always happen to me where i need to lied in order to satisfy might happen to all of us because no one in the world has free from doing depend on our main objective to help other people.but even the means is right it depend on GOD to decide whether we are sin or not. for sure on ethics perspective is wrong to lied others people.but it still depend on what ethics theory that we refers to.

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